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Writer's pictureWilliam Joseph

We are born cattle, fed sins, and consumed by the devil..

35 years on earth this February I will be, and I've notices something in myself about life. I feel like my life is a Rolla-Coaster, in which life around me mirrors. when I say that I'm meaning for so many years I was falling to dark, reckless places, as I looked up, I seen the world in laughter, smiles wealthy, I could only imagine feeling the emotions of purpose in my life, like the rest have. something inside of myself, knew and believed I was nothing, life is by chance, live and die and we just call it that. once I flat lined at the very rock bottom of my life, wondering how death has never stricken the man I had become. I cursed the heavens and asked why? with no answer. the further I wandered the bottom planes of existence day by day I became more lonely, more isolated. minutes of thinking turned hours upon hours, until I'm meditating for hours speaking to the person who Know's me best, my subconscious. speaking in patterns and backwards, I hear laughter, through color, as I've awakened from such a meditational state, fueled with positive energy, and rising back towards the world I know I can now be a part in, I believe that in all my mind now, yet I look back up again and see the world come screaming down in madness and corruption, selfishness and hate, all that negativity is driving the world to places we don't want to be, it's as if we were born as livestock, in the pen of the devil, being fed sins all our life to be weighed down forever on earth.

what makes this the work of evil is we reap the reward and never ask questions, but now I think it's time we do.

William Joseph

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