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Writer's pictureWilliam Joseph

Meditation + Buddhism + Human design = Enlightenment.

after meditating now for the last 6months and searching the internet far and wide in every corner and direction on knowledge to further myself in this journey with-in, after finding enlightenment the answers now I'm seeking cannot be done without a teacher, so last Sunday 28/01.2024, I decided to take action in the next stage of my life. it was here I had my first class with a monk named Loungta Boon.80 years of age, I contacted a Thia Buddhist temple here in my hometown of Ballarat, - Wat Thai Bhavan, happy bouncing around like a 20-year-old, and he thanks mediation, I was hooked to learn more from get go.

wat thai bhavana ballarat

And while I was there, we done two seasons of mediation, the first. I was to put a finger on the beak of my nose and feel the air as it breathes through, and for the next five minutes to focus on that. the next season was 10 minutes with music in the background, this time I was to focus on my bottom, let the energy flow from my nose down, as it slowly passes down you feel yourself become nearly weightless it's a feeling only explained doing it yourself, apart from the meditation we also learnt some theory and homework, so in today's blog I will explain this part of my experience.

Vipassana in Buddhism; what is it?

The first lesson taught by Mr. Loungta Boon. was Vipassana meditation, or insight meditation, focuses on seeing things as they are. It comes from Theravada, Buddhism’s oldest school of thought. The word vipassana is composed of two parts: vi, which means ‘clear’, and Passana, which means ‘to see’.

therefore means ‘to see clearly’ or rather ‘to see things as they are’.

Most often, however, vipassana meditation is translated as ‘insight meditation’, referring to the final result of this clear seeing insight into the true nature of things.


Everything changes, let go.

So everything is about controlling perspective and feeling, rather than reacting to every bad emotion, to just, let it go, even the good will come and go, but the neutral background noises of every day and night will continue on forever, and we must live in that moment and adapt to change, accept that nothing last forever, and just like everything else, our physical self isn't immune to this, but our soul is! sort of. the idea to this art is becoming completely meaningful of yourself and everything that surrounds, which than you can die without the baggage of negativity(karma) bringing you back down to repeat a life.

If you meditate earnestly, pure in mind and kind in deeds, leading a disciplined life in harmony with the ddha.harma, you will grow in glory. If you meditate earnestly, through spiritual disciplines you can make an island for yourself that no flood can overwhelm.” - The Bud


A journey to enlightenment.

Why have I been so drawn into meditation so hard? well maybe it's in my very nature to do so, along the way of this spiritual journey I've now found myself walking, I come across another method of self-discovery similar to astrology, named quantum human design, were just like astrology using the exact time and location of your birth, can map out your whole life, by knowing what gates and channels had been opened at births, and the next time these gates and channels reopen again are based on the planets solar returns. Wow. so, we have this script written at birth and by knowing, when say for example, planet X is in house Y in 2027, (X-represents wealth, ideas) & (Y represents, stability and routine) being able to map through this would be an advantage? in a complex situation, but something tells me it's useless with-out meditation, if life really is written like a script, it can't be changed, it can either be a life I react to every high and low. and disrupt the reader, while I anger the writer, or I can learn mindfulness, learn to become the observer to this whole play write we are a part of, and who knows, if I play my cards right, I might win an Oscar up in heaven in the end, when the shows done. but I think knowing your natal chart, along with meditation is the key to becoming the next evolution of human, connecting to a higher conscience something running behind schedule thanks to the man-made synthetic conscience we have all come to love "the internet". if you would like to get more in depth with human design, I would suggest going to What is the Human Design System? ( getting your free chart and researching yourself as I did. it literally tells me in my chart, that everything that has happen in my life has a connection, and that in some stage around 34-35yrs of age, it all changes and I will seek meditation to further my understanding, and that's what I'm doing. and by living my true self I feel the best I ever have in life honestly. I've added my chart below for an example.

Quantum Human Design Natal Chart


The journey with-in, guided by the planets n stars.

as you see on the natal chart uphove, it displays.

  1. type.

  2. profile.

  3. definition.

  4. inner authority.

  5. strategy.

  6. not self them

  7. incarnation cross.

Ill be writing articles in the near future on human design, ins and out and what I've learnt, how I was able to decode my own DNA using human design and meditation to my advantage, I'll be blogging weekly on my experience learning meditation from the Buddhist monks, and documenting my road to enlighten, once I achieve this goal, I will then use the same method in helping others find enlightenment themselves. I know this seems too good to be true, and I was a skeptic at first too, until I actually learnt the system of it, read my own life, and have been hit with the realization that my Lifes already been written, it's a script up there in the stars, that we all have access too, so why not practice our lines and know the outcome of the next chapter. this is my path to enlightenment. subscribe and walk with me on this journey, God bless.

William Joseph

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