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Writer's pictureWilliam Joseph

karma, karma is the answer. human design + meditation + karma.

If you meditate without knowing your natal chart, you're driving blind. and if your chasing enlightenment without good karma your just wasting time.

Below is my birth natal chart, that I received from and I'll explain why I find meditation to be a car, Human designs a road map, and why I think karma is the fuel.

quantum human design natal chart, 4/1 profile. projector.

My chart above you will see I have six divined centers by birth, but there are three options to fill the undefined centers. (That I've found in my personal experience with meditation.)

Tip #1 - Planet alignments.

probably obvious, but under certain planets and stars, certain undefined centers will open for a temporary time allowing us to utilize it while they are activated.

Tip #2 - Other people.

Thats right, I've found meditating near others who have divined centers, in which I don't, I feel myself energizing peti in the areas I usually don't have access to.

what is peti? in Buddhist meditation. peti is a stimulating, exciting and energizing Quality, easiest way to feel this sensation? resist the urges to scratch, move, n lose discipline while meditation, after 10mins of practicing correctly, you will fill it.

"The magic of this knowledge is not learning it. its living it."

-Ra Uru Hu

Tip #3 - Meditation.

After a while you learn to open the undefined centers again through meditation. It is a feat in itself though, it requires charging in the sun for hours, so in the night you plan to break through the last gate, n be enlightened you will need to be physically and mentally up for it, not to mention every day training yourself not to give in to the emotion of peti , the sensations gravitated through your body, filling up our human centers like a cup of water, the more it climbs, the harder it gets to resist the urge to fight it.

Tip #4 - karma.

In my case, the exit is held back by karma, living a reckless life, before I found this one, has left its weight behind, but that's ok as I see it to be a test of God. so, I've promised myself and God. I will live a life of moderation, I will only take and use what I need to survive in life, the rest I will donate to help build villages overseas, and provide water, shelter, electricity as such. I'm a single 35yr old male, I don't need big houses, or multiple cars, I don't need millions of dollars, but there's millions of humans that need a hand from out the depth.

The Script of life.

Human design is so much more than a look into ourselves. its literally the script written for us by our creator. by learning the correct way to meditate, customized to our own natal charts we become the observer, rather than the actor, reacting to all of life's ups and downs. in that moment, everything falls into place, in my opinion it's like God gifted this knowledge to the founder Ra Uru Hu, to help the people combat all the evil in the world.

To wrap it up with the last piece of the puzzle. karma. I've chosen to help Inno-africa. as I believe in their movement and what they're doing. $65.000usd, they are able to build a whole village, with solar energy, clean water, medical building, a school. and an orphanage. plus, they employ local job seekers. isn't that amazing? sure we could do a lot with $65,000, but we can't take it with us when we pass. A village on the other hand will still be standing helping the next generations to come long after I'm gone, if human design and meditation is something you're interested in, I suggest helping the less fortunate, or donate to helping change a life. obviously don't throw all yourself at it, I understand in the times where in it can be easier said than done. acts of kindness, love, generosity, empathy, any emotion that makes us human will help you on this journey.

Thank you for taking the time reading this blog, I'm currently studying human design at the moment to get my certificate to be able to use the software on this site, simultaneously I'm practicing mediation with Thai Buddhist monks, in the elder's way of teaching. I plan to be up and running in a couple of months, where I'm going to offer human design, along with daily meditational practices. it's going to be unique, uplifting, spiritual and hopefully one day we will all reach enlightenment. will be a non-for-profit organization and with the meditation and motivational package on top of the human design, I know it's going to be the most valuable human design package in the market, especially if you look at it as "I'm donating to people in need, building them a safe environment and changing their odds in this world for the better, and for my good deed, I'm getting a human design in-depth reading, a Dailey mediation video, plus some good karma to build my foundation on'

William Joseph.

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